Volunteer With Us

At the Center
Bring a Group
As a faith-based center, we operate through collaboration of volunteers and full-time staff. Volunteering can be for a few days or for longer periods of three months to a year.
Volunteer work ranges from construction to helping facilitate events at the community center. It is important to remember the trip costs are dependent on length of stay, size of group, and any additional outreach that you are planning to do.
If you have volunteered with Words of Hope in the past or would like to do so in the future, consider visiting us and bringing a team. The team could be a church, youth group, company, organization, family or friends. Volunteers are welcome to stay on site in the dorm rooms with options to have meals provided.
If you are planning a trip with a team, please click the link below to fill out the application.
Question about volunteering?
Send us a message!
If you are applying to visit with a group, please click on the application button above.